Adding Nuts to Your Diet for Health and Flavor

Nuts are always at the top of my grocery list for one reason. They are my go to when I need a quick snack. Plant based nutrition is all about getting more fruits, grains and veggies in your life. Although small in stature, nuts can play a huge role in getting more nutrients on the plate.

Trust me when I tell you, that I have learned to respect these small but mighty foods. Nuts are a first choice for me when I am caught feeling hungry in between meals.

Why Choose Nuts for Nutrition?

Nuts are what you can reach for when looking for healthy fats. Fat gets such a bad rap but all fats are not the same. Most of the fats from nuts are unsaturated. This kind of fat promotes heart health and may even improve cholesterol levels.

A bowl of various nuts with the words Choose Good Fats "Unsaturated" above it.

How do you know if you have an unsaturated fat? The are typically liquid at room temperature.

When I grew up, protein meant animals. Even though we watched Popeye get stronger from eating spinach, I never made the connection to plant power. Nuts are an excellent source of plant-based protein. If you are looking to add protein throughout the day, consider how nuts can help get you where you need to be.

Nuts are Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

A handful of nuts offers vitamins and minerals. Almonds are high in vitamin E which supports eye health and helps to protect our immune system. Walnuts offer a great boost of Omega 3 fats which supports a healthy heart. Check out almonds and walnuts in more detail below.

  • Almonds: Almonds offer a great amount of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. A handful of these nuts are the key to great skin and eye health. Almonds are also rich in fiber and protein. That’s great for times when you want to feel fuller but you don’t want a whole meal. Almonds are also heart healthy. These nuts can help reduce inflammation and improve cholesterol levels.
  • Walnuts: These plant-powered nuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acid. Omegas are great for heart health and brain health. Like almonds, they can also help lower cholesterol levels. The antioxidants in walnuts, help protect our bodies from chronic diseases.

But Wait! There’s More….

  • Brazil Nuts: Brazil nuts are rock hard but creamy on the inside. The antioxidants in these nuts help protect cells from damage and are supportive to brain health. Selenium is vital for healthy thyroid function and supports a healthy immune system. A couple of brazil nuts can help you meet your daily selenium needs.
  • Cashews: Enjoyed raw, roasted and as a nut butter, cashews are a great source of zinc. That means that a handful of cashews counts toward supporting cell growth and repair. These nuts are a great example of a healthy fat and a good source of protein.
  • Pecans: A handful of nuts can provide a bit of energy to get you from one meal to the next. Pecans are full of antioxidants. People who love this buttery nut know it can lower cholesterol. They also help promote a heart-healthy lifestyle. Pecans offer vitamin A, vitamin E and folate which is crucial during early pregnancy.

Nuts Just Make Sense On Your Plate

Did You Know?

The Macadamia Nut is the most expensive nut in the world. The Macadamia tree takes 7-10 years to produce nuts and the land that the trees grow on can be worth millions. Macadamia nuts offer fiber, protein and tons of antioxidants that help protect healthy cells.

There are many reasons to include nuts as you pursue adding more plants to your plate. They can make a boring salad more interesting. Toss them in a bit of brown sugar on a low flame and add candied nuts to your dish. You can even make your own mix of your faves and skip paying for the expensive pre-made one in the market.

Fun fact, when I was pregnant, I was told not to eat soft cheeses like Brie or Feta. The fear of Listeria is real. What I would have done for a creamy “cheeze” and some crackers! Today, many soft non-dairy cheeses can be found with cashews as the primary ingredient.

But everything in moderation. The fats in nuts are healthy but be sure to maintain balance and don’t let your snacking get out of hand!

LA is studying to become a nutritionist and a huge fan of nuts and seeds. Sadly, last year she discovered that she is now allergic to almonds. It has been acknowledged that both almond milk and almond joy candy are a thing of the past! Want to Stay Connected?

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