
Jamie and Justina Chat About Dillan the Rescue Bear by PETA Rescue

Jamie and Justina, two passionate animal advocates, sat down to discuss Dillan the Rescue Bear, a heartwarming initiative by PETA Rescue that aims to raise awareness about the plight of bears rescued from bile farms in Asia. These bears, primarily moon bears, suffer immensely from the cruel practice of bile extraction, enduring years of confinement […]

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Providing Sanctuary and Advocacy: Rescuing Bears from the Bile Farming Industry

In the shadowy world of bear bile farming, where these majestic creatures are exploited for profit, there shines a beacon of hope – our bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam. Here, bears find refuge from the horrors of bile extraction, undergoing rehabilitation and receiving compassionate care. Situated in Chengdu, China, and Tam Dao, Vietnam, our

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