Stopping Live Animal Transport IS A New Initiative by Sustainable Action Now and FOUR PAWS

In a bold move to address one of the most pressing issues in animal welfare, Sustainable Action Now has launched a new campaign focused on “Stopping Live Animal Transport.” This initiative is aimed at halting the long-distance transport of live farm animals, which remains a severe welfare concern despite existing regulations. The campaign is supported by FOUR PAWS International, a leading animal protection organization that has been at the forefront of advocating for humane treatment of animals during transport.

The Scope of the Problem

Every year, an alarming number of farmed animals are transported across borders within and beyond the European Union. The statistics are staggering:

  • 1.34 billion poultry
  • 37 million pigs
  • 4.26 million cattle
  • 3.30 million sheep and goats

These figures highlight the scale of the live animal transport industry, where millions of animals endure grueling journeys under distressing conditions. This practice is not only a significant welfare issue but also an environmental and safety concern.

Why Live Animal Transport is Problematic

1. Animal Suffering: Transporting animals over long distances often subjects them to severe suffering. The conditions are frequently disastrous, leading to serious injuries and deaths. Key issues include:

  • Overcrowding: Animals are packed so tightly that they cannot rest or move comfortably, causing injuries and stress.
  • Inadequate Ventilation and Temperature Control: Animals can suffer from extreme heat or cold, with temperatures sometimes exceeding 77°F or dropping below 41°F. This can result in heatstroke or hypothermia.
  • Lack of Proper Equipment: Many transport vehicles lack adequate facilities for feeding and watering, particularly for young or unweaned animals.
  • Unfit Animals: Sick, injured, or pregnant animals are often transported, exacerbating their suffering.

2. Environmental Impact: Live export ships produce large amounts of sewage, contributing to environmental pollution and harming marine ecosystems.

3. Maritime Safety: Many livestock vessels are outdated and converted cargo ships, which can be unsafe and prone to accidents, jeopardizing both animal welfare and maritime safety.

FOUR PAWS’ Advocacy and Actions

FOUR PAWS International has been a key player in the fight against live animal transport. Their work highlights several core issues and proposes actionable solutions:

  • Regulation and Compliance: FOUR PAWS has been pushing for a revision of the EU Regulation 1/2005, which currently falls short in addressing the cruelty associated with long-distance transport. The proposed changes aim to strengthen controls, enforce compliance, and impose stricter penalties for violations.
  • Campaigns and Petitions: The organization calls for a maximum transport duration of 8 hours for larger animals and 4 hours for poultry, a ban on the transport of unweaned animals, and an end to animal transport by sea. They also advocate for slaughtering animals at the nearest possible location to avoid long-distance journeys.
  • Public Engagement: FOUR PAWS encourages individuals to make compassionate choices by opting for plant-based alternatives and ensuring that meat purchased is from animals raised and slaughtered locally, thereby reducing the demand for live animal transport.

Current Legislative Efforts

Recent legislative developments include the “Farm to Fork” strategy, published in May 2020, which acknowledged the need for reform in animal transport regulations. However, the proposals released in December 2023 have been criticized for lacking the necessary ambition to fully address the welfare issues. As the legislation moves through the EU Council and Parliament, FOUR PAWS continues to advocate for more rigorous amendments to ensure comprehensive protection for animals.

How You Can Make a Difference

Support for the “Stopping Live Animal Transport” campaign can come in many forms:

  • Sign Petitions: Advocate for stronger regulations and an end to cruel practices by participating in petitions and supporting FOUR PAWS’ calls for action.
  • Change Consumption Habits: Reduce reliance on animal products by incorporating more plant-based options into your diet, which helps decrease demand for live animal transport.
  • Spread Awareness: Share information about the issues associated with live animal transport and encourage others to support humane practices.

The launch of Sustainable Action Now’s campaign to stop live animal transport is a crucial step towards addressing the significant animal welfare concerns associated with this practice. With support from FOUR PAWS International, the campaign aims to push for meaningful legislative reforms, advocate for better enforcement of existing regulations, and promote compassionate consumer choices. By addressing the root causes of animal suffering and pushing for systemic change, we can work towards a more humane and ethical approach to animal transport and agriculture.