Bicycle leaning against tree in sunny park, friends lounging nearby in summer.

Breaking Silos: Enhancing Synergies between NDCs and NBSAPs

How can governments integrate action on climate and nature? WWFsBreaking Silos: Enhancing Synergies between NDCs and NBSAPsidentifies a number of entry points to ensure that policy planning and implementation processes work together to deliver for climate, nature, and people.
Key actions in the report include:
ensuring that national climate and biodiversity policy planning processes are integrated in the development of sectoral strategies
the prioritization and pooling of financial resources for policy measures such as nature-based solutions that can contribute to both climate and biodiversity objectives
greater representation and resources for Indigenous Peoples and local communities to act on climate change and biodiversity through holistic approaches.
Public-private partnerships, along with non-state initiatives, are also highlighted as key catalysts for synergistic action – with the report recommending the expansion and alignment of their mandates with national biodiversity and climate targets.
Released ahead of Nature Day at COP28 (9 Dec), the report reinforces calls for COP28 to be the moment when nature is truly brought into the climate process through the Global Stocktake outcome and the establishment of a dedicated nature-climate work stream at future COPs.

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