Stop Wildlife Crime: The Series, Part 1, It’s Dead Serious!

Check out “Stop Wildlife Crime: It’s Dead Serious” where we delve into the grave issue of wildlife crime. This nefarious activity poses a significant threat to some of the world’s most cherished species, as well as the dedicated rangers working tirelessly to protect them. You can access the first episode highlighting the wildlife crime crisis by visiting

This inaugural installment sets the stage for a gripping narrative that unfolds over five parts. Witness the harrowing reality faced by elephants, rhinos, tigers, and other majestic creatures as they fall victim to poachers and criminal syndicates armed with sophisticated weaponry, including military-grade arms and night-vision scopes. Wildlife crime not only poses a direct threat to biodiversity but also undermines the stability of governments, economies, and conservation efforts worldwide.

To shed light on this pressing issue, WWF is releasing a series of documentary footage on wildlife trafficking every Sunday at 7 pm EDT in September 2013 on the World Wildlife Fund’s YouTube channel. By subscribing now and using the hashtag #StopWildlifeCrime, you can join the conversation and help raise awareness about this critical issue.

We need your support to make a meaningful impact. Please watch and share this series to spread awareness and mobilize action against wildlife crime. Don’t miss out on invaluable insights from experts in government, security, and conservation, including Robert Hormats, former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment, Ginette Hemley, Senior Vice President, Conservation Strategy & Science at WWF, Crawford Allan, Director of TRAFFIC North America at WWF, and Andile Mhlongo, Ranger at Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park, South Africa.

Join us in our mission to combat wildlife crime and safeguard the future of our planet’s most vulnerable species. Learn more about this urgent issue at and check out the entire series here,

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  1. Pingback: Stop Wildlife Crime: The Series, Part 1, It’s Dead Serious! - On The Rampage

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